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Glorious Day

Today, you did it.

You conquered death.

For me.

For us.

You arose with all power.

Death couldn’t stop you.

The enemy couldn’t hold you down.

Your strength is unrivaled.

And now we are free.

No longer slaves.

No longer captives of sin.

No longer bound by the ropes of death.

Today is a glorious day.

The stone was rolled away.

And you weren’t there.

The tomb was empty.

Thank you, Jesus

for the empty tomb.

Now we may all have eternal life

if we believe.

I was crucified with Christ.

And now Christ lives in me.

I live by faith for the one who loves

and gave himself for me.

So today, you did it.

You conquered death

because you loved me.

You loved us.

What a glorious day.

Easter 2020

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