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Category: Encouragement

It’s All About Jesus

I made the decision a year ago that I would read the Bible in its entirety in one year. It was something I always wanted to do, but I usually fell off the plan after getting to Deuteronomy. I almost gave up multiple times, but God gave me the...


Over the past few weeks, I have been learning about forgiveness. Forgiveness is not only important, but necessary. It is necessary not only for the person who offended us, but also for ourselves. Unforgiveness leads to bitterness, anger, stress and depression. It is so much healthier for us to...

Trusting God

Over the past few years, I’ve been learning something about trusting God. It seems like each day has been a test for me in trusting God! When I graduated from college and entered the real world, the test began. Being a working adult, not seeing my life pan out...

The Struggle Leads to The Purpose

Have you ever felt deep down in your spirit that God was calling you to do something? You may not know exactly what that something is, but you know that you are pregnant with a dream, an idea, a purpose. You feel this purpose tugging at you everyday, even...