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5 Bible Verses On Dealing With Death & Grief

Over the past two years, I have noticed what seems to be an overwhelming amount of death. I’ve known coworkers, friends, and others to die suddenly from COVID or a long-term illness. It is almost as if death has started knocking on everyone’s door and hitting way too close...

How to Use a Study Bible

Have you recently purchased a study Bible but you aren’t quite sure how to use it? That was me a few years ago! I remember looking for videos on YouTube, but only seeing videos on studying the Bible, not for how to USE a study Bible! For this reason,...

Dwelling in God’s Presence

Have you ever just rested in the Lord’s presence? As Christians, we know that He is with us all of the time; He never leaves nor abandons us (Deuteronomy 31:8). So we can easily enter God’s presence to rest and refuel. I discovered an app called Dwell a few...

Be Still & Know

One of the most difficult things that I have been learning during this season of uncertainty due to COVID-19 is the truth in being still and trusting God. This is not something that has come naturally for me. I’ve tried taking control of my life, only to realize that...

Renewing Your Mind Daily

Renewing your mind in Christ is a daily battle. Each morning when we get up, we must put on the armor of God just as we would put on our clothes. You wouldn’t walk out of your home naked, so why walk out into the world spiritually naked? There...

Faith vs. Feelings

Faith and belief are two words that have been in my spirit over the past few days as I’ve been studying the book of John. This stirring in my spirit was prompted by John 14:11-14 which says: “Believe me that I am in the Father and the Father is...

In All Things—Peace.

Today while reading my Tony Evans Study Bible, I came upon Romans 8:37, which says, “No, in all these things, we are more than conquerors through him who loved us.” Many times, the word “conquerors” is what stands out in this verse. It’s a good word for sure. But...

Pursuing Stillness in the Storm

Over the past few months, the world has been dealing with a health crisis: the Coronavirus. It has reached many countries, and people are in a panic about what can be done to stop or slow the spread of the virus. Anybody reading this post will already know the...

Glorious Day

Today, you did it. You conquered death. For me. For us. You arose with all power. Death couldn’t stop you. The enemy couldn’t hold you down. Your strength is unrivaled. And now we are free. No longer slaves. No longer captives of sin. No longer bound by the ropes...

Grief & Trials

As a part of my chronological reading plan, I read the book of Job recently. Job has been one of my favorite books of the Bible, which some may consider strange. Some people think that this book is depressing and confusing, which I can understand how people may feel...