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Life & Apathy…BUT GOD!

It’s been a while since I posted anything. And to be honest, this post is one that I decided to write at the last minute…before work!

There have been some great developments in my life (getting a new job has been the main thing) and I am so grateful to God that He has been listening to and answering my prayers. But with these new developments came a bit of apathy. Some of the important things, such as this blog, got pushed aside as I tried to adjust to my new circumstances. Also, my Bible reading slowed considerably. But over the past few weeks, God has truly renewed my passion for His word. I’ve joined a small group at church and I’ve also started back meeting with a Christian friend of mine each week. I have been continuing with my reading plan each day, which is essentially just to finish reading the entire Bible by the end of the year. Currently I am reading Acts, which is a powerful history of the early church. I have been intrigued by the sacrifices and the risks disciples took to spread the gospel around the world. I’m also studying Colossians with my friend and seeing how Paul showed concern and care for the church of Colossae. On top of that, I am listening to an audiobook called Tortured for Christ, by Rev. Richard Wurmbrand. So my mind has been completely engulfed in the persecution of Christians worldwide, past and present.

And while my Bible reading and study have been exciting, I’ve been even more excited about a close family member coming to church with me each week. This is another thing I’ve been praying about for a long time! God has proven to be faithful and trustworthy and I thank Him everyday for the changes that have occurred over the past couple of months. So while I may not post to this blog consistently, do know that God is working in and through me each and every day. I pray that He does the same in your life as well.

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