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My Plan for Reading the Bible Again in 2019

Reading the Bible should be a huge priority in 2019!

I will be embarking on the journey of rereading my entire Bible in 2019, which in all honesty I have already started! I am a reader of, where I found a great article on how to read the bible in a year. In that article, I also downloaded some free chronological reading plans and found one that is called the 365 Day Chronological Bible Reading Plan (with Harmonized Gospels). This plan has you read the scriptures chronologically as well as the gospels together in harmony with one another. So as you read the gospels harmonically, you will get to compare the different testimonies of Jesus and how they all essentially told the same story.

So far I’ve been enjoying the reading plan. I’ve decided to read from the 2015 Amplified translation as well as incorporate Bible journaling into my study time. I’ve been using Logos Bible Software to house all my Bible journaling notes. I’ve found it valuable to look through my notes and meditate on the insights I’ve gotten from scripture. I’m about 30 days in, so I can’t wait to see what the Lord reveals to me in the upcoming year.

2018 was a year of change, and God was with me the entire time. The beauty of it all is that I really dug deep into God’s word and grew closer to Him. He revealed a lot of things about myself that I am still working through, but I am grateful that He is working on me. As I enter into 2019, there is going to be some changes spiritually for me. There is going to be some changes in my actions. And the only way I can accomplish this is through my relationship with Jesus Christ. I have to pray consistently and read His word, which is why I am making it a huge priority in 2019. I had my days this year where I fell off but thankfully jumped back into reading the scriptures. For God to change me, I need to get closer to Him, and I can do that through prayer and reading my Bible. I hope you all do the same this upcoming year of 2019! Happy New Year, everyone.

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