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Tag: bible study tips

How to Use a Study Bible

Have you recently purchased a study Bible but you aren’t quite sure how to use it? That was me a few years ago! I remember looking for videos on YouTube, but only seeing videos on studying the Bible, not for how to USE a study Bible! For this reason,...

My Plan for Reading the Bible Again in 2019

I will be embarking on the journey of rereading my entire Bible in 2019, which in all honesty I have already started! I am a reader of, where I found a great article on how to read the bible in a year. In that article, I also downloaded...

It’s All About Jesus

I made the decision a year ago that I would read the Bible in its entirety in one year. It was something I always wanted to do, but I usually fell off the plan after getting to Deuteronomy. I almost gave up multiple times, but God gave me the...

Bible Study Resources

Studying the Bible is paramount to growing in your relationship with God. Luckily, we live in a time where Bible study resources are readily available at our fingertips (literally)! Therefore, we must use the resources available to us in order to learn, study, and apply the Word of God...