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Tag: bible

Be Still & Know

One of the most difficult things that I have been learning during this season of uncertainty due to COVID-19 is the truth in being still and trusting God. This is not something that has come naturally for me. I’ve tried taking control of my life, only to realize that...

Renewing Your Mind Daily

Renewing your mind in Christ is a daily battle. Each morning when we get up, we must put on the armor of God just as we would put on our clothes. You wouldn’t walk out of your home naked, so why walk out into the world spiritually naked? There...

Pursuing Stillness in the Storm

Over the past few months, the world has been dealing with a health crisis: the Coronavirus. It has reached many countries, and people are in a panic about what can be done to stop or slow the spread of the virus. Anybody reading this post will already know the...

Grief & Trials

As a part of my chronological reading plan, I read the book of Job recently. Job has been one of my favorite books of the Bible, which some may consider strange. Some people think that this book is depressing and confusing, which I can understand how people may feel...

Focus & Consistency – 2019 Wrap-up

2019 has been an interesting year. In 2018, I read the Bible from start to finish for the first time and it was an epic journey! In 2019, I had plans to do the same thing again but instead fell off in March. Since then, it has been a...


Ezekiel 18:30-32 ‘Repent and turn from all your rebellious acts, so they will not become a sinful stumbling block to you. Throw off all the transgressions you have committed, and get yourselves a new heart and a new spirit. Why should you die, house of Israel? For I take...

My Plan for Reading the Bible Again in 2019

I will be embarking on the journey of rereading my entire Bible in 2019, which in all honesty I have already started! I am a reader of, where I found a great article on how to read the bible in a year. In that article, I also downloaded...