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Anxiety? You Are Set Free!

This week presented an unexpected challenge for me: anxiety. I hadn’t dealt with this intensity of anxiety since 2011, so it was surprising when it caught me off-guard. Back in 2011, when it happened, I was utterly lost in fear for five months. Constant worrying, panic, and fear were...

Birds & the Reminder of God’s Providence

Over the years, I have been reminded of God’s providence in many ways. Whether that be through spoken encouragement or random acts of kindness, I’ve seen God provide for me and show me his nearness. Lately, I have seen huge flocks of birds. Each time I see a flock...

Focus & Consistency – 2019 Wrap-up

2019 has been an interesting year. In 2018, I read the Bible from start to finish for the first time and it was an epic journey! In 2019, I had plans to do the same thing again but instead fell off in March. Since then, it has been a...


Ezekiel 18:30-32 ‘Repent and turn from all your rebellious acts, so they will not become a sinful stumbling block to you. Throw off all the transgressions you have committed, and get yourselves a new heart and a new spirit. Why should you die, house of Israel? For I take...

The Bible Recap Podcast

Last week, a friend of mine recommended a podcast that goes through the Bible in a year using a chronological reading plan. That podcast is called The Bible Recap, which is hosted by Tara Leigh Cobble of D-Group. The podcast has listeners subscribe to a chronological reading plan on...

My Plan for Reading the Bible Again in 2019

I will be embarking on the journey of rereading my entire Bible in 2019, which in all honesty I have already started! I am a reader of, where I found a great article on how to read the bible in a year. In that article, I also downloaded...

It’s All About Jesus

I made the decision a year ago that I would read the Bible in its entirety in one year. It was something I always wanted to do, but I usually fell off the plan after getting to Deuteronomy. I almost gave up multiple times, but God gave me the...

Life & Apathy…BUT GOD!

It’s been a while since I posted anything. And to be honest, this post is one that I decided to write at the last minute…before work! There have been some great developments in my life (getting a new job has been the main thing) and I am so grateful...

I Just Completed Reading the Old Testament!

Today is sort of a new milestone for me: I have completely read through the entire Old Testament in the Bible! To be honest, I’ve been a Christian for awhile and never read through the entire Bible before. I will be beginning the New Testament tomorrow and I am...


Over the past few weeks, I have been learning about forgiveness. Forgiveness is not only important, but necessary. It is necessary not only for the person who offended us, but also for ourselves. Unforgiveness leads to bitterness, anger, stress and depression. It is so much healthier for us to...